Tuesday, October 18, 2011

We Matter To God

Lest you think the only speaker at the conference was Sheila Walsh, there was a whole cadre of other speakers, all of whom had wonderful, insightful things to say.

Lisa Harper, she of the southern drawl mixed with Western twang, started out by asking, "Have you ever seen something with the naked, natural eye only to find out later that it wasn't at all what you thought you saw?"  (If you ever meet Lisa, ask her about the naked man in Pulpit Rock Park, Colorado Springs, CO.)

I can't believe I didn't get a picture of Lisa, but since I didn't, the IMAGINE sign works well.  Because the entire weekend was about imagining ourselves to be more than we know or believe in God.

Lisa's message was about the holes in our heart, holes that only God can fill.  Using illustrations from her own life, Lisa offered a number of quotable phrases, all of which I scribbled down for future reference. 

Consider these:

"God had saved me, but I thought he tolerated me.  I didn't know He delighted in me."

How's that for mind-blowing?  How many women were punched in the gut upon hearing this because they too thought the same thing?

More from Lisa:

"Little girls with Daddy issues grow up to be women with intimacy issues."

"The Bible is not a rule book, not a textbook.  It's a love story."

"God loves messy people."

Most of all, Lisa implored us to remember that God knows everything there is to know about us, every detail and He knows because we matter to God.

"God knows every detail about us because we matter to God."

Do you realize just how much you matter to God?  Can you make the leap from believing you're tolerated to believing you are a delight?

Peace & Blessings,


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