Monday, March 9, 2009

Humbled but Determined

Is there anything more humbling for a woman struggling with weight issues than shopping for clothing and trying on said clothing in a dressing room?

I don't think so.

This past weekend, Hubby insisted I go shopping for a new pair of jeans. The old pair was so ratty that I was embarrased to put them on. He was probably embarrassed to be seen with me.

Resistance rose up in me faster than another second could tick off the clock. Did I really want to go clothes shopping with my husband and three sons? Could I afford to do so? There is always some bill waiting to be paid, and doing a tight maneuver while we rest on a promised blessing that God has for us in the near future.

Not to mention, I'm one of those mothers who always finds a reason to do for her family before she does for herself.

But a whisper into my spirit said, "Go". Maybe this was the acknowledgement I'd been seeking for many sacrifices and the remembrance that I'm a girl who occasionally needs some girly activity. I did a quick check and decided I could fit a pair of jeans into the budget--while still paying the main bills as well as covering an upcoming basketball camp and a few other children's requirements.

So off we went. The oldest says, "Don't worry, Mommy. I got you. I know style." And that's true. He's the one who always complements me--or lets me know when something doesn't work--as far back as when he was four or five years old. Still does as a teenager and I love him for that. But then he gets all masculine on me while he's waiting in the women's jeans section with his younger brothers. "How do they look, honey?" "How do they feel, Mommy?" "No dear, I'm not going to buy jeans that don't feel good. Just tell me how they look." "I don't know. How do they feel?" Eventually, he told me they looked fine. I thought so too.

Since there was a sale, I decided to squeeze the funds a bit and get two pairs of pants. It will be nice to not have to repeat a pair during the work week.

Well, to my surprise, when I got up to the cash register, the pants were an additional 50% off the sale price. Two pairs for the price of one!

Couldn't beat it. What a blessing! I felt lifted up because my guys supported me 100%, I got some much-needed clothing, and we had a nice afternoon out together. After eating some true NY-style pizza and wings at the food court, we left the mall and headed over to Wal-mart to shop for groceries. Again, I treated myself for a change, buying foods to help me lose weight as opposed to trying to eat smaller quantities of the stuff they love but I definitely shouldn't eat.

And after partaking of the annual Strawberry Festival on Saturday, which meant lots of walking and a little eating in addition to a fun Kool and the Gang concert, I found that I was down 2 lbs. this morning.


The goal is 5 more lbs off by the end of the month.

How are you doing?

Peace & Blesssings,


Anonymous said...

Blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence. They are like trees planted along the riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water. Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought. Their leaves stay green, and they go right on producing delicious fruit. JEREMIAH 17:7-8

Chicki Brown said...

Your men are great! Jesus will be back before my husband suggests I go out shopping!

PatriciaW said...

Chicki, they're keepers!

Thankful Paul, bless you. I've been praying about the Scripture theme for my current wip. This just might be it.