Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wednesday Worship: While I'm Waiting

Loads of writers returning from the recently held ACFW conference raved about a song they'd heard in the worship sessions. I made a note of it so I could look it up at some point.

Then, we found ourselves in a bit of a jam earlier this week. My critique group sent up many prayers for my family's welfare, and forwarded a link to this song. Boy, did it meet me right where I am, waiting.

I have a lot of experience with waiting on God. I also have a lot of experience with Him meeting my needs. So I wait. And While I'm Waiting, I'm still serving Him.

Are you waiting on God for something? Is your wait an active one, filled with faith and service?

Peace & Blessings,


Kim Cash Tate said...

Patricia, I was JUST listening to this song this morning on the treadmill. I first heard it on Fireproof and downloaded it right away on iTunes. I, too, have been in a lot of "waiting" seasons with the Lord--so much so that I've studied the word "wait" in the Bible--so this song really spoke to me. I was at ACFW and it spoke to me once again when this song was sung during praise and worship. Thanks for posting the video! I hadn't seen it.

Miz said...

Im a Jewish woman with a strong faith foundation and love how your words, tho different denomination, exemplify my life as well.