Monday, November 3, 2008

Weekly Check-in: November 3, 2008

Week of October 27, 2008:

Weight Loss: None.
This is a good thing. October was a bad month. A sure sign is that I didn't even post my status last Monday. After indulging myself with a lot of chocolate bars and very little exercise, I am happy to say I did not gain any weight. The prior couple of months did me well.

My upper tummy, as I call the bulge beneath my breasts, has inflated again, and my youngest has again taken to poking Mommy in her "fat stomach". Don't you love, kids?! Although I tell the 3yo that's not nice, I really don't make a big deal out of it. I'd much rather lose the stomach so he could tell Mommy her stomach isn't fat.

Average water per day: 3 cups.
Did a little better than I'd been doing, and continued to improve through the weekned. Today, I've already drank 3 cups so I'm on a roll.

Number of exercise days: Uh, exercise? Oh yeah...
No AM exercise last week. Not one day. I did walk at lunch time with a co-worker on Monday, and I did go canvassing on Saturday.

Total min exercised: 40 min
I don't include my canvassing hrs here although I probably should.

I feel so much better this week and I'm off to a good start. To some degree, I was burned out from all the time I've put into the presidential campaign. My work is done, except for one last day of poll watching, so it feels like I can regroup and get back to doing what I was doing. My combo living room/dining room and kitchen floors will be thankful.

Now don't get me wrong. I will never lose weight, nor achieve any other goals, if I go simply off my feelings.

No, I feel better because I shook myself off, ended the pity party, and re-purposed to doing the things I know I need to do. Like stopping the candy binge. Like getting to sleep earlier. Like exercising before work.

While waiting in the doctor's office for Hubby over the weekend, I saw one line in an article about weight loss that struck me. It said, "Keep your body guessing." As in keep varying the intensity and type of exercise. As in keep varying the foods I eat. When the body doesn't know what to expect, it keeps the engine (metabolism) revving and reacts with force. If it knows that you're going to do the same thing every day and eat the same foods in the same pattern every week, it makes the necessary adjustments in metabolism to accomodate the established habits.

Isn't that wild?

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
Psalms 139:13-14

How was your week?

Peace & Blessings,

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